
Project MiniMe: Entry 0022

May 18, 2008

As the people around me would know, I’ve been on extended annual leave to help Synn take care of Tristan for the last week and next.

The past few days have been a flaming blur of soiled diapers, colic, boogers, milk powder, baby bathing, and sleep deprivation; but details on that later. Unfortunately for us, respite from this does not come easy and when it does, it comes in this form:

Which we can’t really enjoy because we’re so exhausted, we snatch whatever sleep we can.

However, Synn and I got a pleasant surprise in the form of a little hamper courtesy of the guys from work:

 The Bunny Appeared Lost

Synn gets a little bouquet of flowers as well, but in her sleep deprived state, she didn’t care much for it, so it went to sis, haha.


So off the wrapping went, and Tristan is now the proud owner of his very own rocker.

 Gentlemen, Start Your Engines!

Which he promptly made use of.

 Teddy Had To Wait His Turn For The Ride

Synn and I also got an overdose of disposable diapers for Tristan’s use, and a cutesy little bunny that came along.

 Bunny Showed Up With Much Needed Reinforcements

Recently, Tristan has been pretty enamoured of the teddies we’ve been placing in front of him. I’m not sure if he can actually focus on the things in front of him, but he certainly seems pleased with the teddies, reaching out to touch them, and smiling at them. On occasion he’ll grumble at them, almost as if wondering why the teddies aren’t responding to him, lol.


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