Archive for May 20th, 2008


DC Direct’s Superman Vs. Wonderwoman

May 20, 2008

I was lucky enough to score this beautiful Vs. piece when I bought my Bowen Classic Hulk.

WonderWoman Just Wasn\'t Into The Whole Bondage Thing

Now, I’m not normally impressed with DC Direct’s offerings usually, but this being sculpted by Ray Villafane, who did a few other amazing pieces (Bowen Magneto, Bowen Logan and Sabretooth companion piece, and the upcoming Superman Vs. Darkseid), meant that I simply couldn’t pass up the chance to own such a dynamic piece for such a reasonable price.

The Boy Scout Tried His Darndest To Get The Best Upskirt Possible

When I took hold of the box, I was immediately surprised at the weight of the thing, or the lack of it to be precise. This statue is light! However, the dynamism of the piece captured my imagination from the get-go.

The detailing of the cape as it billows around is pretty damn amazing, and looking at my collection, I realised that the only other statue I own with a cape is Thor, and his looks like its just being slightly lifted by a small breeze. Here, the cape on Supes looks like its positively alive!

Nice Billowy Cape That Only Thor Would Appreciate

I found it immensely hard to take nice closeups of either superhero because of the tight angles and my lousy camera (maybe time to upgrade?). I’d rather spend my money on more statues instead of a new camera, though, teehee.

WonderWoman Liked Being On Top

One thing I did not like about this piece is how the eyes of the opponents do not appear to meet. Supes looks like he’s looking a little off from Diana’s eyes, more like he’s looking at her hair, or possibly even her knee. Diana, however, does look like she’s looking at Supe’s eyes.

The paintjob on this piece is nice, but not outstanding. It looks too clean to me, and the lack of shading and shadows on this piece leaves it looking a little too two dimensional to me.

However, looking at this piece always leaves me breathless from the sheer dynamism of it.
