Posts Tagged ‘moore’


Clayburn Moore’s Black Cat

April 24, 2008

I managed to acquire this oldie but goldie, Moore’s Black Cat, gone retro:


While I’m still in two minds over which Black Cat I like more (Sideshow’s or Moore’s), this piece in itself is quite nicely done. The paintjob is flawless, and, while the composition is classic museum pose, I think I prefer Sideshow’s Black Cat more in this aspect .


Who could resist sexy shots of this feline:


Facial sculpt is also flawless in true Moore style, and this is where his version shines over Sideshow’s piece:


The pictures below show the detail on the base, with a bag of spilled coins adding a nice touch to the overall composition. The expression of the cat sculptures appear rather amusing to me for a reason I can’t quite place my finger on, but suffice to say, does it for me over the more practical Sotheby’s crates used in the Sideshow piece.

 Interesting Expression On That Cat, lol

Synn has mentioned more than a few times she definitely likes this Moore piece over the Sideshow piece so I’m certain Moore’s Black Cat has a permanent home now, tee hee.

Coincidentally, not long after I acquired this, the following auction on Ebay showed up for the same piece. Being curious about how that auction would end, I kept a watch on it, and look what the price shot up to in the winning bid:

Rare Piece Sold For USD315?! Good Lordy.

OMFG. USD315. And this is without shipping. Fwah.


Clayburn Moore’s Wolverine

February 17, 2008

I decided to snap some photos of this wolvie piece I bought for Synn (<— BIG FAN) for her birthday some time ago.

I totally did not expect the pictures to turn out this nice.


wolvie-full-on.jpg  wolvie-bottom-up.jpg

wolvie-full-left.jpg  wolvie-full-right.jpg

Even after so many years of display, the colour still seems as striking as the first day I laid eyes on this piece.

Fantastic sculpt.


The Magdalena Artist Proof Statue by CS Moore Studios

January 28, 2008

Yay, I managed to lay my grubby paws on this beauty!



The sculpt for this piece is amazing. I’ve heard of CS Moore’s amazing skill when it comes to sculpting the female anatomy, but finally owning a copy of his work, and being able to scrutinise The Magdalena in detail really hits home the point the sheer amount of work that must have gone into molding her.



The paint work for this piece is also amazing. Nice matt black finishes for her cloak, and a beautiful glossy red/black combination really makes for a nice contrast!


The composition isn’t much, but she does come across as very mysterious, with an air of danger about her. Dark and brooding, with her cloak pooling at her feet, I think ambient lighting best accentuates the mood of this statue, however, unless you have a very good camera, ambient lighting won’t do much to bring out the beauty of her colours. 

Unfortunately, she stands at 14″ tall, and my cabinet only takes up to 12″ height.  😦

Until I figure out how to display her, she’s going back into her box.

In case you’re interested in finding out more about this character, you can read more about The Magdalena here. I personally didn’t read the comics, but I simply had to own this statue when I saw the incredible amount of detail and the beautiful paint on her.


Magdalena Artist Proof Statue

January 27, 2008

Woah. Just saw this on the forums.

I think I’m in love and going to try to see if I can acquire one.

mag-ap-front.jpg    mag-ap-side.jpg

I hope Synn doesn’t flip when she hears of this, teehee…