Posts Tagged ‘captain’


Bowen’s Classic Hulk

May 10, 2008

I recently managed to lay my hands on Bowen’s Classic Hulk statue.

Dr. Banner Needed Much Anti-perspirant.

I’d been in love with this piece ever since I saw it sometime back, but in between then and now, there were plenty of other pieces in front of this statue on my to-get list.

But out of sheer luck, there was one going for a reasonable price on the auctions, so I couldn’t resist and snapped it up as soon as I saw it!

My first thought when I laid eyes on the box he was in was, ‘Holy shit! That thing is HUGE!’

My next thought when I took him out of the box for inspection was, ‘FARK, this guy weighs a TON!’

Make no mistake about it, this guy is big, and he is heavy.

The facial sculpt detail on this piece is simply amazing! The Incredible Hulk’s expression has been captured perfectly as he prepares to unleash a deafening roar. His scowl is spot on and the intensity in his eyes is amazingly life-like and completes the glare! I simply love the detail given to his chompers as well.

Maybe Some Breath Freshener As Well...

No Double Chin There.

This statue has such presence, and his pose has been captured as he prepares to pound whoever/whatever is in front of him into the ground.

Beautiful, imposing statue!!!! And such presence too!

With the Hulk’s addition to my Thor and Captain America, I’ve achieved three-quarters of my aim to collect what I feel to be the definition of the original founding members. As I don’t particularly like Bowen’s Retro Ironman, I’ll hold out for his upcoming Modern Ironman. You’ll notice I don’t bother with Bowen’s MiniBusts, so while Ant-man and Wasp were part of the original members, I didn’t bother with those two. Besides, not as A-list as these four, hehe. I simply can’t wait till I can take a picture of these four together. It’ll be awesome!

For those not already in the know, with Marvel’s Announcement regarding the dates of more Avengers movies, it’s simply exciting to know my recent acquisitions mirror what’s happening in Hollywood. I can already imagine the coolness of displaying my avengers statues on my console while watching the movies on my home cinema in the future, lol!

Yay, go me.  🙂


Reviewing The Avengers! (Part 1)

April 18, 2008


It’s time to spend a little blog space talking about my second recent haul:

Some characters from the Avengers.

I Bought The Rest Of His Collection, lol!

For today’s post, I’ll do just Captain America and Thor. The rest I’ll cover in parts. ^^

First off, we have Fabio Thor:

Tiger Striped Boots Thor Says, \

I must say, of my entire collection so far, I feel Thor easily ranks within top three of my most photogenic statues. The composition is amongst the most fluid and natural museum poses I’ve seen from Bowen thus far, and is easily one of my favourites.

Thor looks suitably intense and the detail of his features seem spot on. The billowing cape and windswept hair adds to the dramatic pose. The feathers on his helm are perfectly done as well, and the fabric used for the hammer’s strap is a nice touch, and lends additional, natural texture to an otherwise clean finish.

The paint job is immaculate, with great attention to detail for shadow effects.

With such a great sculpt, paintjob and pose, it’s so easy to come up with killer shots of this piece. One of my favourite shots below:

The Windswept Look Is So Me

Next up, we have Captain America:


Cap also stands among top three of my collection. While not as photogenic as Thor, the detail on this piece is much nicer than Thor. The scales of his suit lend much needed texture to the piece and is a nice contrast to the clean lines and reflective paint on his shield. 


The ‘Blue Steel’ look is a little overdone for me, but does work for this piece. His gaze is unwavering and pure, the thin pressed lips adding to the look of determination on his facial sculpt.

The musculature of these two pieces is fantastic, by the way.

And finally, a shot of Captain America, with Thor looking on in the background.

Don\'t Our Matching Feathers Look So Pretty?

Overall, I would say, where the overall composition of Thor is the defining signature of this piece, it is the facial sculpt, texture and shield that defines the Captain America.